Bally Chohan: What to ask when you get an offer letter??

bally chohan

Oh my god how astounding we feel when we heard from the employer that we are selected for so and so position. That amazing feeling can’t be expressed in words but you should not forget to ask certain questions at that time where there is offer letter in your hand.

You don’t know what to ask, when to ask, only to ask relevant things that won’t allow employer to think that he had done some mistake while taking a decision t hire you. No problem solution is here

Bally Chohan Job portal Experts may provide you list of certain relevant questions that you may ask:

Can I have in writing the copy of my offer letter?

Employer may provide you job as per your skills, qualification not as they are doing any favor for you so at each at every point don’t be hesitate ask questions that are necessary as you can ask for the copy of your offer letter in writing so that they won’t miss out certain things and you can get a detail view of the duty that you have to handle out.

Will this job requires any changes in lifestyle?

Ask without hesitation your career goals, they can also tell you certain aspects that may gave you a setback  you need to have extra stress as well as there would be possibility of over time if you feel comfortable you can walk along with us otherwise you can leave.

For this position what further plans are there in your mind?

This is the second way to ask whether job is secure or not. Whether the market ups and downs may affect the job. If the company’s would get profit from funds then whether there would be something like that it would affect my performance if that funding stops.

Is there any change in values because of job?

Your beliefs are strong on one can force you to change your beliefs.

Anything that I need to know?

It makes an impression on employer and they get to know that you understand the responsibility as well as complexity of job.