Bally Chohan: What to do when you are fired???

bally chohan

3 words “you are fired” May stop your career growth within one second and make you unemployed. This make you depress to the large extent that you may even not fell god to bath, to talk , to do anything, or to have even a single conversation with your colleagues.

Your source of income would stop at a very moment and make you alone in this entre world. After being fired people start thinking that they are good for nothing and if they are fired from previous firm how they able to get new job. What would happen? What to do and what not to do? These many questions create huzzle-buzzle in mind of people and can prove to be the initial stage of depression.

Bally Chohan consultants may provide certain things or certain points to follow when you are fired:

Follow regular schedule as before:

Wake up early in the morning, get ready, take your breakfast and move out in search of job. Follow your daily routine as that before and keep yourself busy .take 8 hours of healthy sleep and try to flush out these things from your mind that you can’t do anything.

Try to meet those people to whom you are not in touch for many years:

You should try to meet those people to whom you are not in touch for many years that make you feel energetic and other people may get to know that you are in search of job. They may help you.

One-man business:

Try to move out and meet large number of people and provide them new ideas that may help them. If you can’t ale to express your ideas to one person then move on to second one.

Prepare your budget:

You may be going through difficult time so extra expenses may create problem to you. So it’s better to prepare your one day budget and try to have less expenses.


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